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Meet The Officers


Accomplishments of Year 4

Get ready for the accomplishments of Year 4!
This year was the first year of online meetings.
How did they handle it? Year 4 took all the new challenges and worked to make the new situation, advantageous.

1.  Designed and built an addition to our club's education program: The Hilarity Project
2. Implemented year-round use of our Google Drive and made all of the club's functions digital

3. Developed a dynamic website where students can track their progress within the club
4. Created our club's Youtube channel with videos describing each meeting role
5. Created our official club advertisement

6. Refined the club's system for decorum and discipline by introducing a warning cards system and absence rules (UA/EA)
7. Designed and created the official Gavel Club Handbook
8. Established DPS Nacharam Gavel Club's official blog: The Gavel Club Toast
9. Devised an online membership and Organizing Committee application system through Google Forms
10. Constructed the official "Membership Selection Committee" to increase overall fairness of membership intake process
11. Generated official club inventory tracking system

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