Proper Decorum & Discipline
Cross-talk is not permitted during the meeting, especially when someone is speaking.
The use of cell phones or any other gadgets is not permitted during the duration of the meeting.
During online meetings, videos must remain turned on at all times.
Members/guests may excuse themselves in between speaker roles if absolutely necessary. Otherwise a 10 minute break will be given before the evaluation segment of the meeting.
Unparliamentary language during the meetings is unacceptable.
We have a "No Tolerance" policy for bullying
For online meetings, virtual backgrounds must be used at all times.
The attendance is categorized into the following:
Excused Absence (EA)
Unexcused Absence (UA)
Excused Absence: Member informs their respective presiding officer a least 24 hrs in advance before being absent for the meeting. It is this member's responsibility to ask another member to fill in for their role during the meeting and inform their Presiding Officer as soon as possible.
Unexcused Absence: Unexcused absence is marked when the member does not inform the presiding officer about their absence at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The member is later also sent an e-mail and has to give a written explanation for their absenteeism.
2 Unexcused Absences will result in the revaluation of the member's standing in the club by the President, Parliamentarian, and respective Presiding Officer.
Role takers are expected to come prepared for their roles in the meeting.
Remember, it is completely alright to make mistakes and no member will ever be penalized for making a mistake, however we request that role takers come prepared to the meeting addressing all their queries during the week before the meeting to ensure proper flow of meetings.
If a member is clearly unprepared, they will be marked with a 'UA' on the attendance sheet for that meeting.
Preparedness: Members are evaluated on how they prepare for their role. Members may check Section 7, "Where To Go For Questions", to prepare for their role during the week. Questions WILL NOT be answered during the meeting and all questions pertaining to roles taken must be asked and prepared for during the week and at least 24 hrs before the meeting.
Participation of each and every member is a must.
Participation does not necessarily mean giving a speech every meeting. It could be through asking questions, connecting with your fellow gaveliers, participating in Table Topics, TAG Team roles, and taking that step out of your comfort zone.
Integrity & Respect
When writing speeches, we hope our members will advance based on their own individuality and creativity. When quoting another individual's thoughts, ideas, or speech references, we expect that our gaveliers give credit to the source while sharing.
Mistakes are common in the learning process and we expect our gaveliers to be kind, considerate, and supportive of their fellow gaveliers and guests working to improve their skills or reach their specific goals.
Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated in our meetings or outside club timings regarding club happenings.
Compassion is a very important value of our Gavel Club and we hope club members practice it as well.
Warning Cards
Warning Cards are part of a plan created by the 4th Cohort of Gavel Club Officers to enforce decorum and discipline during meetings. An Organizing Committee member in every grade will be responsible for distributing these cards during the meeting.
They work in the following manner:
Cards will be distributed via private message to a member who fails to follow the "Proper Decorum & Discipline" mentioned in Section I.
Yellow Card: This card represents a first warning.
Red Card: This card represents a second and final warning. The result of this card is the member will be marked as 'UA' in the attendance record for that meeting.
**Please Note: If a member is repeatedly receiving warning cards, their standing in the club will be revaluated by the President, Parliamentarian, and respective Presiding Officer.
**Please Note: Any member joining after the first 10 minutes of club meeting will be marked as an unexcused absence.
Where To Go For Questions
Step 1: If relevant, check the Whatsapp Group
Step 2: Check the Gavelier Handbook
Step 3: Check the Gavel Club Website
Step 4: If relevant, check the Gavel Club Youtube Channel
Step 5: If relevant, check the Gavel Club Instagram Page
Step 6: If relevant, check in with your fellow gaveliers
Step 7: Text your Presiding Officer
Step 8: If urgent, call your presiding officer (Please use your best judgement to assess whether the situation is urgent/not urgent)
**Please note: We advise you to follow these steps not because your officers are unable to answer the questions, but rather so we know if your resources are adequate and to what degree our gaveliers are informed.
What We Want You To Know
These rules and regulations are set as a way to maintain order in the club. However we have faith in our gaveliers and guests that you come in with the intention of learning and growing along with your fellow gaveliers.
We will do our part in making this experience as pleasant and welcoming as possible, and we request the same courtesy from our gaveliers and guests.
This club's functionality is based on a team effort from the Executive Board and our Gaveliers.
A few last thoughts: Consistency is key in getting to where you want to be. You don't have to have "natural talent" to excel. All you need is a little consistency and faith!