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Track your Progress- Grade 9
Track your Progress- Grade 10
Track your Progress- Grade 11
Track your Progress- Grade 12

Track Your Progress

Members of the DPS Nacharam Gavel Club can check their progress here on the progress tab. The Gavel Club team has created a system in which members can keep track of the following items:

1.  Attendance Records
2. Competent Communication (Prepared Speech) projects completed
3. Roles taken during meetings
4. Progress in The Hilarity Project
5. Progress in ExplOratory Project

How to Sign Up

The "Programs" tab at the top of the website has a drop down list that contains pages specific to each grade level from grades 9-12.
Choose the page for your grade level.
You will be taken to a "Create Your Account" page.
Follow the guidelines below to sign up.

1.  Fill out the information on the "Create Your Account" page
2. Once you finish, click "sign up"
3. Please allow 24-48 hours for your account to be reviewed and accepted by the website admin
4. Once your account is accepted, you may "log in" to your DPS Nacharam Gavel Club account


Every year, members need to re-register their accounts into the grade they are in that year. 

Navigating Your Account

Once you have signed up and your account is officially accepted, you can log in!
This is your opportunity to open up the "Progress Files" on your screen and evaluate your progress.

Read the steps below:

Once you have logged into your account, you will be taken to a screen that shows 4 items:
1. Attendance​
2. Projects
3. Roles Takers
4. The Hilarity Project
5. ExplOratory

Using the Gavel Club roll number that you were given at the beginning of your gavel club year, find your roll number on the progress sheets and check your progress along that line on the sheets. 


We chose to give our members roll numbers, so their progress is known only to them unless they share their progress with others.


If there are any discrepancies or errors in the progress sheets regarding your progress, please feel free to email DPS Nacharam Gavel Club. In the email, make sure to include your full name, Gavel Club roll number, and grade, along with a description of the error. Address your email to your Presiding Officer.


Make sure to format the subject line in the following manner: Progress Sheet Error | "Full Name"


Gavel Club Email:

  • Email
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • YouTube

Mailing Address

Delhi Public School Nacharam

Plot No.44, Telephone Exchange, 42A, Nacharam - Mallapur Rd, behind Nacharam, Hyderabad, Telangana 500076, India

Copyright © 2023 Delhi Public School Nacharam Gavel Club,  All rights reserved.

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